TAURON Group Integrated Report 2017 now available online
The TAURON Group once again presented a summary of the year using the most advanced global reporting standards. As in previous years, the TAILORS Group was involved in creating the content and implementing the online version.
The 2017 report is based on the integrated reporting guidelines set by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). Thus, the methodology, which in 2016 resulted in winning the prestigious The Best Annual Report competition in the ‘best integrated report’ category, is continued and developed.
The implementation is available at: report2017.tauron.pl
Online integrated reporting has its own specificity. We can say that we set the standard in this area. The approach we have developed to describing the company’s activities using a value creation model has proven that it is possible to perfectly reach both report users comfortable with the online world and those who are more conservative.
TAILORS Group wspiera w tym roku w zakresie przygotowania raportów online, m. in. Bank Millennium, mBank, ING Bank Śląski, Grupę TAURON, Grupę PGNiG oraz ECHO Investment.