PGNiG Group Integrated Report
We supported the PGNiG Group in preparing its first integrated report. This is the most mature form of stakeholder communication in line with global best practice.
Our tasks included advising on content creation and implementing an advanced online service. The axis of the report is the model of value creation through intra-organisational capital processing. This made it possible to show the Group’s activities in an even broader context, taking into account social, environmental and employee threads against the background of the broader business activities. Compared to the edition describing 2016, the report was equipped with even more interactive elements to facilitate the analysis of the results.
The premise of the 2017 report was to present PGNiG ‘from behind the scenes’, so that key stakeholders could even better understand the determinants affecting the Group’s performance and plans. One of the tools used was an animation presenting the business model. In the 2017 report, this material was significantly developed and restructured.
The descriptions of the market and regulatory context have been significantly expanded. As PGNiG is a global company, it becomes crucial to show the conditions of operations beyond Poland’s borders.
The descriptions are complemented by video footage containing statements by members of the Management Board, which – in addition to their factual value – clearly present the Group’s vision of development in individual business segments.
The video can be viewed at: