Archicom is a recognized leader in apartment sales in Wrocław.
The role of the TAILORS Group was to prepare and implement a comprehensive communication policy during the company’s IPO on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and to maintain active communication with the media aimed at supporting sales of the company’s apartments.

The challenge this project faced was the protracted turmoil on the financial market in Poland and the resulting cautious approach taken by investors to public offerings – Archicom’s offering was the only IPO on the main market of the WSE in Q1 2016. Moreover, a sizeable group of property developers on the WSE forces new entrants to compete fiercely for investor interest and investments. The task of the TAILORS Group was to prepare an optimal and comprehensive strategy of communication with the capital market, taking into consideration the company’s current stakeholders, including its customers and staff. The value of the public offering was PLN 72.2 million.
Archicom’s IPO was one of the biggest public offerings and the second largest rights issue on the Polish capital market in 2016. The developer acquired cash for further expansion – increasing its land bank and own contribution to the execution of new development projects.
The IPO promotional campaign coordinated by the TAILORS Group precipitated a relatively high level of interest among retail investors despite unfavorable market conditions. The fact that all the offered shares were sold despite the challenging market conditions proves that the campaign was successful. Indeed, Archicom’s IPO stood out as a success story in comparison to other offerings in the same period.
The company was priced favorably and the promotional campaign attracted long-term investors who believe in the company’s continued growth and achievement of the objectives presented during the IPO.
Continued cooperation
Following Archicom’s successful IPO on the WSE, the TAILORS Group continues to support the issuer actively in contacts with its stakeholders.
Together with the client, the TAILORS Group has prepared and is implementing a program of active communication with investors, analysts and financial media.