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We are the natural choice of companies operating under the rigours of disclosure obligations.

For the past ten years, we have worked closely with companies committed to positive relations with the investment community, analysts and specialised entities assessing companies for their approach to sustainability.

What sets us apart is our understanding of the key aspects of IR and ESG teams:

  • The need to comply with the reporting date regime and to be available during the reporting period
  • The need to guarantee the highest standards of confidentiality
  • The need to use global and national guidelines and standards

Key products and services aimed at IR and ESG teams include:

  • Support in the creation of graphic design of result materials (presentations, onepagers, video summaries)
  • Creation and co-administration of IR (Investor Relations) services, dedicated ESG services and corporate services integrating these functions
  • Support in the creation of reports (graphic design, preparation for conversion to XBRL format)
  • Creation of advanced online reports
  • Support in key projects – development of materials and websites presenting subsequent strategy updates

The services listed above are complemented by the expertise and resources of our other agency teams.