Companies representing widely varying levels of knowledge and commitment to sustainability have reached a point where they need to respond to the evolving regulatory changes, expectations of business partners, customers, employees and the wider social environment. Mainstreaming environmental (Environment – E), social (Social – S) and management effectiveness (Govenrnance – G) into all aspects of an organisation’s operations is no longer simply an expression of an organisation’s maturity and willingness to take responsibility for the present and future. ESG has become a factor in the valuation of businesses, the availability and cost to financial services and the ability to keep products and services in the supply chain of key business partners.

We help bring about positive change - for the good of the company, for the good of the World.

We combine our knowledge of the market with many years of involvement in implementing ESG projects inside Polish companies. We are able to speak to almost all organisational units inside companies (departments responsible for communication, legal services, technology, risk management and product development) organising processes at the level of strategy updating, environmental footprint management, initiative creation and reporting.